Source Water Protection Activity Guide

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Contaminant Type

Potential Contaminant Source Category Potential Contaminant Source

Protection Activity Category Protection Activity

Wellhead Protection Program

Protection Activity: Planning

A wellhead protection program is synonmous with a source water protection program, but strictly focuses on protecting public water supply wells. The goal is to prevent contaminants from entering public water supply wells by managing the land that contributes water to the wells. Wellhead protection planning is one way to ensure a community has a long-term source of clean water. Program actions include reviewing the source water assessment for the public water supply, inventorying potential contaminants in the delineated source water area, and developing and implementing a source water protection plan.

Resources for this Protection Activity:
  • Source Water Assessments
    Source water assessment information for Idaho public water systems is accessible using the Source Water Assessment Database. The database provides information on the assessed sources (well, spring, or surface water intake), including a potential contaminant inventory, susceptibility (to contamination) summary, maps (both a static and dynamic map) of the source water delineation, and a summary report.

Related Sources: