Source Water Protection Activity Guide

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Protection Activity Category Protection Activity

Low Impact Development: Rain Gardens

Protection Activity: Best Management Practices

Low impact development is an approach to land development (or redevelopment) that incorporates natural features to manage stormwater and protect water quality. Low impact development minimizes runoff by promoting infiltration, evapotranspiration, and collection for use through natural landscape features and fewer impervious surfaces. The result is a functional and visually appealing development that treats stormwater as a resource, not as waste. 

Rain gardens are landscaped areas designed to capture runoff from a rooftop or paved surface and allow it to slowly infiltrate into the soil. They remove pollutants and can be beautiful alternatives to traditional lawns.

Resources for this Protection Activity:
  • EPA: Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin
    Information on managing stormwater runoff to prevent contamination of drinking water.
  • Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
    The Green Project Reserve requires all Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) programs to direct a portion of their capitalization grant toward projects that address green infrastructure, water efficiency, energy efficiency, or other environmentally innovative activities.

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