Source Water Protection Activity Guide

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Use any of the following drop-down menus to navigate through the guide. Choosing a potential contaminant source category from the drop-down menu will narrow your potential contaminant source choices. Choosing a protection activity category from the drop-down menu will narrow your protection activity choices.

Contaminant Type

Potential Contaminant Source Category Potential Contaminant Source

Protection Activity Category Protection Activity

Potential Contaminant Inventory

Protection Activity: Planning

A potential contaminant inventory (PCI) is an inventory of facilities, land uses, and environmental conditions within a source water protection area that are potential sources of contamination to ground water or surface water. DEQ is required to conduct a PCI for each source water assessment it completes. All available PCIs can be found on DEQ's source water assessment web application and be used to develop protection strategies or determine site suitability for new well locations. 

Resources for this Protection Activity:

Related Sources: