Protecting Public Health and the Environment

Training Event Detail

NOTE: Times shown below are local to the training event.

PTA - "Excel Spreadsheet for Water & Wastewater Operators"

Start Date and Time: 06/27/2024 8:00 AM 
End Date and Time: 06/27/2024 11:15 AM 
Location: Online

Training Event Calendar URL:

Event URL:
Registration URL:
Registration Deadline Date and Time: 06/26/2024 5:00 PM 

Details: This workshop is meant to help operators learn better navigate spreadsheets and design tables and forms commonly used in water and wastewater operations. We will explain basic spreadsheet terminology, show you on the screen how to navigate spreadsheets, and demonstrate how common water and wastewater formulas can be incorporated in your forms. While this workshop is designed for beginning users of Excel, it is also helpful for other users who may have been using spreadsheets but have limited experience in developing their own forms using basic formulas and formatting.

Contact Information:
Erika Schwender

Training Vendor: Professional Training Association
Fee: $100.00

Continuing Education:
Event Credit: 0.30 CEU
Accepted In: Idaho
Course Type: Online/Webinar/Virtual
CEU Course Number: WWP231212654

DEQ Drinking Water contact:
Curtis Stoehr at or (208) 373-0542