Training Event Detail
NOTE: Times shown below are local to the training event. IRWA - Operator Safety in the Workplace - Shelley Start Date and Time: 06/27/2024 8:30 AM STZ
End Date and Time: 06/27/2024 4:30 PM STZ
Location: 585 W Fir St Shelley Fire Department SHELLEY, ID 83274
Map it Training Event Calendar URL: Event URL:
Registration URL:
Registration Deadline Date and Time: 06/27/2024 8:30 AM STZ
Details: Every utility can benefit from an enhanced safety program. Operators face new scenarios each day, including mechanical and excavation dangers, confined space hazards, toxic gas, and more. Learn how to identify these dangers and react appropriately. Learn how to minimize risks for yourself and for your coworkers. Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to bolster your utility's safety program and convince your supervisors that safety equipment is a must.
Instructor: Craig Sturman, Idaho Rural Water Association
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Available: 0.6 Water/Wastewater
Cost: $120 IRWA Members / $210 Non-Members
Lunch is on your own.
Contact Information:
Tondee Clark
208-343-7001 Training Vendor: Idaho Rural Water Association
Fee: $120.00 Continuing Education:
Event Credit: 0.60 CEU
Accepted In: Idaho
Course Type: Classroom
CEU Course Number: WWP220511824