Training Event Detail
NOTE: Times shown below are local to the training event. IRWA - Very Small Water Distribution - Online Start Date and Time: 06/26/2024 8:30 AM
End Date and Time: 06/26/2024 4:30 PM
Location: Online
Training Event Calendar URL: Event URL:
Registration URL:
Registration Deadline Date and Time: 06/26/2024 8:30 AM
Details: Course Description: This 6-hour online class is part of the Idaho Rural Water Association Apprenticeship Program with an open invitation for others operating a Very Small Drinking Water System or needing continuing education units to attend. This course covers drinking water distribution systems and operation and maintenance of pipes, valves, storage tanks, meters, pressure reduction valves, air relief valves and more.
NOTE: A very small operation specialist will be completing all the Idaho educational requirements for licensure by taking both the Very Small Drinking Water Treatment and Disinfection class and the Very Small Drinking Water Distribution class. (Does not include the work experience requirements as per IDAPA rules).
Instructor: Eric Seyb, Idaho Rural Water Association
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Available: 0.6 Drinking Water and Distribution
Cost: $120 IRWA Members/ $210 Non-Members
Time: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Mountain Time or 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM Pacific Time
Location: Online using Zoom
Manual: The California Rural Water Association sells the "Introduction to Small Water Systems - Student Manual" for $60. This manual is not required but would be a great resource as you take the class and work on your system.
Contact Information:
Tondee Clark
208-343-7001 Training Vendor: Idaho Rural Water Association
Fee: $120.00 Continuing Education:
Event Credit: 0.60 CEU
Accepted In: Idaho
Course Type: Online/Webinar/Virtual
CEU Course Number: WWP210711612