Training Event Detail
NOTE: Times shown below are local to the training event. PTA - “Lessons learned from historic water & wastewater treatment” Start Date and Time: 04/18/2024 12:00 PM
End Date and Time: 04/18/2024 3:15 PM
Location: Online
Training Event Calendar URL: Event URL:
Registration URL:
Registration Deadline Date and Time: 04/17/2024 5:00 PM
Details: Water and wastewater conveyance and treatment goes back as far as 1500 BC. What do we have in common with these ancient systems? How do these principles apply to today’s water and wastewater treatment? What can we learn from this historic knowledge? This class will provide context to historically and internationally applied treatment processes and encourages class participants to evaluate how and why we utilize current treatment technologies.
Contact Information:
Erika Schwender
360-490-2426 Training Vendor: Professional Training Association
Fee: $100.00 Continuing Education:
Event Credit: 0.30 CEU
Accepted In: Idaho
Course Type: Online/Webinar/Virtual
CEU Course Number: Pending