Action Legend: Recommended/Required Actions

PM 2.5
No Restrictions

Residential woodstove and outdoor burning is allowed. Local permits may be required for outdoor burning. Please contact your local Fire Department or District for any local restrictions.

Voluntary Restrictions

Many local and regional jurisdictions have restrictions on open burning and/or woodstove use that are triggered by a YELLOW advisory. Some prescribed burning is prohibited at this level as well. DEQ recommends checking with your local fire district, city, county, or association if you are unsure if you can conduct open burning or use your uncertified woodstove during a YELLOW condition. DEQ requests everyone voluntarily delay any open burning plans and limit woodstove use if possible when a YELLOW condition is active.

Mandatory Restrictions

Woodstove use restrictions are in effect in many areas. Open burning is prohibited by local ordinances in many areas. If you are unsure if you can use your woodstove for heating during a RED condition or if you are unsure about open burning restrictions in place contact your local DEQ office. If a Stage One Forecast and Caution is also in effect at this time all open burning is prohibited by state rule (IDAPA in the forecasted area.

Outdoor burning is prohibited in most areas due to local ordinance. Please contact your local city or county office for additional information. Individuals are asked to voluntarily not use solid fuel burning devices, including wood and coal burning stoves and fireplaces, and consolidate motor vehicle trips.

Outdoor burning and solid fuel burning devices, such as wood and coal burning stoves and wood burning fireplaces, are prohibited per local ordinance. Please contact your local city or county office for additional information. Individuals are encouraged to consolidate motor vehicle trips, limit driving, carpool, and use mass transit.

No Restrictions

It's a great day to be active outside. Please contact your local Fire Department or District for any local burning restrictions.

Voluntary Restrictions

Voluntarily reduce driving. Consider combining trips, carpooling, using mass transit, riding a bike or walking. Fuel your vehicle early in the day or after dark to minimize releasing ozone precursors.

Mandatory Restrictions

Outdoor burning is prohibited in most areas due to local ordinance. Please contact your local city or county office for additional information. Also consider vlountarily reducing vehicle driving, combining trips, carpooling, or using mass transit. Fuel your vehicle early in the day or after dark to minimize the release of ozone-forming precursor compounds.

DEQ recommends that you choose a cleaner commute alternative, combine errands, avoid idling, refuel cars in the evening, conserve electricity and keep AC no lower than 78 and defer using gas powered lawn and gardening equipment until evening or until conditions improve.